Mark Newby, KX4LEO, Emergency Coordinator

Do you want to be a part of a dedicated team of licensed amateur radio operators who volunteer their time to serve their communities in Sumter County? Call or email us today to learn how you can be a part of our critically important team. Click here to learn how you can be a member of our team.
In the United States, the Amateur Radio Emergency Service, (ARES), is a corps of trained amateur radio operator volunteers organized to assist in public service and emergency communications. It is organized and sponsored at the national level by the American Radio Relay League.
ARES teams participate in preparedness planning and exercises with their local emergency management office, the Red Cross, hospitals, and first responder organizations to be prepared if disaster strikes.
When an unusual occurrence disrupts cellular systems, landlines, the internet and public safety radio systems, ARES volunteers are ready to respond to establish emergency communications until normal systems can be restored.
ARES plays an important role in non-emergency activities as well. Upon request, ARES members provide communications for public events, such as parades, charity bicycle challenges, festivals, and more.
Winter Field Day - A GREAT Success !
Sumter County ARES provided the venue and equipment for local amateurs to participate in Winter Field Day 2025. The event was a learning experience for members from the Hog County Amateur Radio Association and the Red Oaks Amateur Radio Group and their guests. View photos here.
2024 End Of The Year Report
Click here to read the Emergency Coordinator's End of the Year Report.
Statewide Simulated Emergency Test (SET)
The NFL Section Emergency Coordinator has announced that the Florida statewide Simulated Emergency Test will be conducted on April 12, 2025. More information will be announced during SCARES meetings and radio nets.
Radiogram Training Series, 2025
During the first few months of 2025, Sumter County ARES will focus training on how to properly send and receive "formal traffic". Click here to read more about this training series.​​​​​
Vice President - Jeff Taffuri, KO4NCC
In accordance with the ByLaws of Sumter County Amateur Radio Emergency Service, Inc., the Nomination Committee reported that there was only one name submitted for Vice President, which was the incumbant Vice President, Jeff Taffuri, KO4NCC. Because Jeff was the only person nominated, he will continue in his position of Vice President for the next two-year term, effective March 1, 2025. Congratulations Jeff and we look forward to working with you.
​​​Sumter County ARES Meeting
The monthly meeting of Sumter County ARES is conducted on the 2nd Wednesday of each month, starting at 7:30 PM ET. Unless otherwise specified, this meeting is held on-line via Zoom. You DO NOT have to be a member of ARES to participate in this meeting. All are welcome and encouraged to attend. To join the Zoom meeting, go to www.sumterares.org/calendar and navigate to the date. There you will find the link.
Sumter County ARES VHF Net
The monthly Sumter County ARES VHF Net will be conducted on 4th Thursday of each month beginning at 7:30 PM ET on the K4HOG 147.030 repeater (+ Offset, PL/123.0 Hz). You DO NOT have to be a member of ARES to check into this Net. All licensed amateur radio operators are encourage are welcome and encouraged to partipate. We will use the NetLogger application for logging.