Mark Newby, KX4LEO, Emergency Coordinator
Do you want to be a part of a dedicated team of licensed amateur radio operators who volunteer their time to serve their communities in Sumter County? Call or email us today to learn how you can be a part of our critically important team. Click here to learn how you can be a member of our team.
Hello, my name is Mark Newby – KX4LEO, the newly appointed ARES Emergency Coordinator for Sumter County, Florida. I am honored to have the opportunity to work with such a dedicated group of volunteers, carrying out the ARES mission to provide public service communications to our communities.
My QTH is in Webster, Florida, and I have been active in amateur radio since April 2019. I registered with Sumter County Emergency Management for RACES, I am a member of ARRL, the Hog County Amateur Radio Association, the Villages Amateur Radio Club, several HF Net groups, and an associate member of the Red Oaks Amateur Radio Group. I retired from law enforcement after nearly 30 years, two of which were as Chief of Police.
Since I started my amateur radio journey, I developed a tremendous appreciation for the role amateur radio plays in providing public service communications, not only in times of disaster, but also for pre-planned public events. I wanted to be a part of providing a valuable service through my new-found interest.
The Sumter County ARES team and I have already set several goals to improve our ability to be an effective and reliable civil emergency service organization in our County. We will be stepping up our recruitment efforts, particularly with newly licensed amateurs. You will see Sumter County ARES participating in community events and represented in local amateur radio groups. You will hear us on our newly created Sumter County ARES monthly Net. We will be supporting Sumter County Emergency Management and working closely with the RACES program. We will seek to form an alliance with local CERT programs.
To successfully achieve our goals and move our organization forward, it will take way more than me. It will take a group of dedicated volunteer amateur radio operators willing to serve our communities. To that end, if you live in Sumter County or in an adjacent county, please consider becoming a part of our team. YOU can make a difference! For more information about Sumter County ARES and how to join, go to We would love to hear from you!
Mark Newby, KX4LEO
Emergency Coordinator
Sumter County ARES